Logistic Regression in Python with statsmodels
Multi-file LaTeX Documents with Pylatex
Four ways to forward-fill values in T-SQL (the last non NULL problem)
The Table Value Constructor (aka the VALUES keyword)
Clinical Natural Language Processing in Python
Identify consecutive values in SQL Server
Identify non-consecutive values in SQL Server
Placeholder Text (String Interpolation) in T-SQL
2020 Year in review
Maximize user snippets in Azure Data Studio
Site update: November 2020
Use Python to quickly load lots of data to a Database
Azure Data Studio tips and tricks
Validate YAML in Python with Schema
Parse delimited values in SQL Server with STRING_SPLIT
Useful SQL Server functions: TRY_CAST & TRY_CONVERT
Move data to a Database with Python: Pandas
Move data to a Database with Python: SQLAlchemy
Move data to a Database with Python: Pure Python
How to use SQL Server's OPENJSON function
Automatically deploying a Gatsby site with Github Actions
Building my personal site in Gatsby