About me

Hi, I'm Andrew, a Data Professional. Welcome to my corner of the web.

I started this site to share how I'd solved a problem or something I'd discovered and thought others might find useful. I quite like the idea of a Digital Garden 🌱

I'm currently a Data Engineer and have been an Analyst, too. Most of my content comes from my experience working in Data and Analytics. Some of the stuff I know a thing or two about:

  • SQL (SQL Server and Oracle variants)
  • Python
  • dbt
  • Tableau
  • Power BI
  • Data Modelling
  • Query tuning
  • Machine Learning


It's neat to hear from people who've read my site. If you want to get in touch, you contact me by email: andrew dot villazon at gmail dot com

About this site

This site is built in Gatsby and uses Tailwind CSS for styling. Gatsby is a static site generator that uses the JavaScript framework React. Almost all of this site is Markdown files that Gatsby has turned into pages.

The site has gone through a couple of iterations, but if you're interested in reading about the initial experience working with Gatsby, I documented it here.


This site wouldn't be possible without those who took the time to share what they know with others.

Here are a few of them:

  • Tania Rascia - The inspiration for this site, both in terms of design and implementation. I've lost count of the times I've read Tania's source code. If you're an aspiring Web Developer, her site is well worth the visit.
  • Rhys Camm - For the great post on how to implement Dark Mode in a Gatsby site.
  • Code Concisely - For the excellent tip on using the Gatsby File API for automatic page generation. Saved a lot of mucking about in gatsby-node.js
  • Paul Scanlon - Paul documents and explains approaches to many things you'll encounter when creating a Gatsby site.
  • Tim Addison - For the awesome suggestion on styling Gatsby Markdown pages with Tailwind.